Friday, May 22, 2009

Ok, I finished all 54 of my blocks! I'm thrilled. It looks beautiful. Now I have to clean up to take pictures for the web page. Next project is Mrs. Bowden's quilt. The Blocks were made by her second grade class. I just have to assemble it in an attactive way.
Off to clean - Yuck!
I am still getting used to this "blogging" thing, but have a feeling that when I have it mastered, the technology will all change. Anyway, My son & I are working diligently to have the website up and running. It is so exciting for me.

My progress has been slow on the "please don't eat the daisy" quilt but I may have to finish it up today. I need to work on my youngest son's teacher quilt. It needs to be delivered in a few weeks!

I will check in either tonight or in the morning to update you on my progress.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

It's Thursday morning and students are pulling into the drive way for class. I've been swamped with cleaning up sewing room as well as preparing my new Website - special thanks to my oldest son - Bruce. Anyway, I've been working on a quilt called "please don't eat the daisies" a log cabin with stars in the sashing. Its been alot of fun until I realized that I had my half square triangles going the wrong way! UUUUGGGGGGHHHHH! Anyway I have to start class.